

Lectors are called to proclaim Christ's Real Presence in the Liturgy of the Word before the assembled Body of Christ.

All who serve in liturgical ministry at St. Bridget are asked to follow in the footsteps of Christ, who grew in age and wisdom throughout his life. Discerning service in this ministry will mean not only that you have time for this work, but that you are pleased to embrace the learning journey.

Lectors are the men, women and young adults/teens who proclaim the real presence of Christ in the First and Second Bible Readings, at the ambo, in front of the assembly.  Lectors also lead the assembly in the General Intercessions (except when a deacon is present).

As you read and pray about the requirements  listen carefully to your spirit’s response. A sense of understanding (one of the Spirit’s gifts), a willingness to abide by these requirements, and a continued sense of enthusiasm are signs of God’s call to you to serve as a Lector.


To become a Lector you must: be a registered and active member of the parish; have received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation; receive initial and ongoing formation and training in accordance with the published schedules.


Initially Lectors are required to attend two sessions of Ministry Matters. To find out more about the content and timing of part 1 of Ministry Matters, please see Formation for Lay Ministers. At this session you will receive a personal copy of the Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word.  This is a marvelous tool that provides in-depth guidance and background for proclaiming Christ's Real Presence in the Word, and it includes the pronunciation for some of the less familiar names and places in the Bible.  You will also receive a copy of the Practical Handbook that includes detailed instructions, accompanied by pictures, on the various steps in your ministry. In addition, you will receive a sheet of Timed Readings. It is typical for many of us to read too quickly in front of the congregation, and this sheet gives you a guideline to practice with and achieve more optimal times. These are also available on this website.

The second session of Ministry Matters for Lectors is hands-on, practical training in the sacristy and on the altar for new Lectors. These sessions are arranged with new lectors at the first session.   At this practical training new lectors will walk through the process of signing-in, processing to the altar, and learning where to sit, how to use the microphone, how to return to your seat, etc. shown in the Practical Handbook. Each new Lector will also be asked to proclaim a reading from the Workbook received at the first session.  After completion of part 2 new ministers can be added to the liturgical schedule.

After formation and training, you will be assigned a mentor who is an experienced minister. Your mentor will be available to answer questions or provide additional training until you are completely comfortable in your new role.  We encourage every Lector to review the Workbook guidance and prayerfully practice their assigned reading every day of the week before they are scheduled to Proclaim.

To grow in your ministry, you will be required to participate in one of the additional gathered formation opportunities that are offered throughout the year. Some formation opportunities will be self-guided, while others will be offered to all lay liturgical ministers or specifically for Lectors through the Liturgy Committee.

Terms of Service

Liturgy Ministry at Saint Bridget is carried out in three-year terms, renewable once. After a maximum of six years of service, ministers are asked to take a Sabbath, a rest, from the work.

Questions? Please contact Betty Drozski, Elizabeth Spach, or Jeff Lunardi.



Contact Info

Saint Bridget Catholic Church
6006 Three Chopt Road
Richmond, Virginia 23226

Office & Clergy: (804) 282-9511
Fax: (804) 285-7227

Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. 

We are closed 12:30-1:30 p.m. for lunch.


Mass Schedule

Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m.

Sunday Masses
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.

+Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM


Our Sponsors
