High School & Middle School Youth Ministry
Psalm 133: A Vision of a Blessed Community
1 A song of ascents. Of David.
How good and how pleasant it is,
when brothers dwell together as one!
2 Like fine oil on the head,
running down upon the beard,
Upon the beard of Aaron,
upon the collar of his robe.
3 Like dew of Hermon coming down
upon the mountains of Zion.
There the Lord has decreed a blessing,
life for evermore!

Youth Ministry accompanies high school and middle school students in their journeys with Jesus Christ and His Church. Teens are invited to participate in faith formation, retreats, and other opportunities. We seek to create a welcoming, inclusive environment where all are invited to ask questions, encounter God, and share the Good News. See below registration, schedules, and an introduction to our Youth Minister!
Middle School Youth Ministry/Catechesis 2024-2025
Middle School Registration

Middle School Youth Ministry Schedule 2024-2025
High School Youth Ministry/Catechesis 2024-2025
High School Registration

High School Youth Ministry Schedule 2024-2025
Program Coordinator: Patrick Stearman, Director of Youth Ministry
pstearman@saintbridgetchurch.org, 804-525-9382