Entries for February 2017
Richmond, Va. – Today, Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo released the following statement:
“Today, I stand in union with my brother bishops who have spoken out about the recent executive order on the new refugee admissions policy. Recently, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued statements on the matter. I encourage our faithful in the Diocese of Richmond to read the announcements and act to make your voice known to your elected representative through the following action alert. Let us pray for our country, for peace in our world, and for the dignity of all.”
Joint Statement from ...
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Ray Honeycutt, Interim Superintendent for the Office of Catholic Schools, has been promoted to the position of Superintendent of the Office of Catholic Schools effective February 6, 2017. Ray joined the Diocese as the Principal of St. Bridget Catholic School in 2009. He accepted the position of Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction in 2015 and transitioned to Interim Superintendent in July 2016. Ray has over 44 years of educational experience, both in the private and public school environment. He has a B.A. in English Education from Virginia Tech and a Masters of Education in Schoo...
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First Eucharist Families: Please remember if your child has not yet celebrated his/her First Reconciliation we ask that you do so no later than May 1, 2017. This is required before you child can receive First Holy Communion. This can be done on Saturdays at 4:00PM without an appointment, by appointment by calling the parish main line, or at another parish. You MUST let us know the date this celebration took place in order to meet all the preparation requirements for First Holy Communion.
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