Tuesday, May 1st, from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Church Basement
Calling all moms with young children!
The Saint Bridget Mom’s Ministry (SBMOM’s) is having their meeting this coming Tuesday in the Church Basement. We are SUPER excited about our speaker for this meeting.
We are blessed to have Melissa Caldwell, a pediatric occupational therapist with 20 years experience, come speak to us about our sweet babies. Melissa recently opened her own company called “Hello Baby RVA.”
She will help educate us on:
- proper tummy time techniques
- developmentally appropriate baby equipment
- swaddling
- baby massage
- skin to skin contact
- and more!
This is an informative session. She is not trying to sell a service.
Rather, the group felt she could lead us in a great discussion and answer any questions we have.
This meeting is free and dinner will be served.
If you are thinking about attending, please email Maria Brown at mags4vt@gmail.com so you can be added to the Evite.
It is also important that Maria has a head count so she can provide enough food and resources at the meeting. The SBMOM’s really hope to see you Tuesday evening. Thanks and God Bless!